Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
Factory Acceptance Testing with Mould Instruction
Factory Acceptance Testing with Mould Instruction
Factory Acceptance Testing with Mould Instruction
Factory Acceptance Testing with Mould Instruction

Pre-acceptance testing: Ready for the big wide world.

The day of pre-acceptance testing is a special day for our customers and internal teams of experts alike. One last major test run on one of our injection moulding machines, then the production mould undergoes acceptance testing in the technology centre according to defined criteria. The required auxiliary equipment, such as mould dehumidifiers, cap coolers and vision inspection systems are available in the technology centre. During pre-acceptance, mould training and inspection of the plastic parts take place in our in-house laboratory.

The intensive period of joint research and development work is over. Everything is okay. Ready for the big wide world.

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