11/15/2023 Exciting News!

As part of a strategic realignment the name of the parent company of Z-MOULDS® has changed. From now on z-werkzeugbau-gmbh will operate under z-group gmbh.
This change reflects our continuous development and growth course. In this context all former business units of the group became own legal entities and we are happy to announce that Z-MOULDS® is one of them.

We take immense pride in introducing our new management trio: Michael Fink as CEO, Thomas Moosbruger as COO and Benjamin Niederer as CTO. All three have been with Z-MOULDS® for many years.

The new founded z-moulds gmbh is backed with a strong ownership by Z-GROUP®.
This milestone is the fundamental base to further increase our production capacities and to continue developments.

We are proud to be part of this exciting development as an independent company. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction remains unwavering.

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